Saturday, August 06, 2011

Do you ever just scamper to your bed, and pull the covers over your head? Almost in a mad venture to block out...stuff, make the world seem a little smaller. Reality can be crushing. Sometimes it ruins my evening frolic in the kitchen, replacing it with an incredibly undesirable melancholy and tendency to mope. I hate to sound like a brooding damsel, but my indomitable spirit is ready to be done with this and--well--I need to brood to get there. Apparently.


What happened.

How do we go from where we were, to where you got...without me. Was it something I said? Did I do my makeup all wrong for too many days? Did my hair fall flatly, as it tends, and foreshadow the end of our romance in a way you couldn't get over?

Either you...WELL CRAP. Who cares. After examining myself thoroughly, I find myself just as lovable as ever, just as extraordinary and irreplaceable. I miss you. But at the end of the day, however sickeningly happy you could have made me, you wouldn't have. I'm best off without you. And as hard as those 5 words have been to come by, I've got them now. And your snowboard. :] heh heh.

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